An Event of Death

Everyone has to prepare death. The time for action exists only in the life before death. Thereafter, there are only the consequences of one’s actions. Wise is one who prepares for the Hereafter, so he can be held deserving of eternal Paradise by God Almighty.

Every man and woman has to face death. Someone will die today and another tomorrow. Death is the most horrible problem of every human being. The meaning of death is: “Total detachment from the present world.”

Death means that a man’s own existence remains with him but everything else is taken away from him–house, family, partner, provision, his history. Finally everything suddenly disappears and will remain separated from him forever.

The reality is that death is the biggest issue for every man and woman. Every person has to think about what will happen to him after death. Every person has to prepare for that day when he will be leaving the present world, and then behind him will be the world which he has left forever, and ahead of him the world from which it will not be possible for him to return. This moment is going to come to every man and woman, without exception. This is the issue which every man and woman should reflect upon the most. Furthermore, in the life time, after that, it will not be possible for the person to act again, to re-establish a new future for himself. The time for action exists only in the life span before death. The consequences of one’s actions cannot be altered. Wise is one who learns today about what is going to come to him after death, because knowing about it after death will be useless. The man who knows this reality before death can be called a knower in the real sense. After death, everyone will be aware of this reality, but that will be of no use. This is the biggest problem facing every human being.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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