What happened, happened for the good

Whenever anything happens which is against your desire, which is unpleasant, then say: الخير فيما وقع (What happened, happened for the good) This is a very simple formula. You acknowledge that there is a power beyond me. I am not alone. There is a power, God, who manages the universe through His angels.  To say: الخير فيما وقع means I am only a particle. It is actually God who is managing the entire universe.  He must have done this for a greater good. This incident must be containing a greater good for me. This is why God made such a decision.

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Everyday we face some or the other loss. This is not only in terms of money, but in various other ways. When a Prophet's companion suffered a loss, he said: الخير فيما وقع (Whatever happened will be better in God's eyes) God has kept goodness in the loss. Whenever a situation gives you tension or stress, you must know that whatever happened was good for me. I have repeatedly experienced that when I adopt patience and become silent, when I realize what happened was good for me, I later realize that in reality whatever happened was for my betterment. There are certain incidents about which it took me 50 years to understand this reality.

These incidents gave me excessive negative thought, but I realized later that it was better for me. Had these incidents not occurred, my life would have been different. This is the best formula: الخير فيما وقع. I follow this formula, by God's grace. You all should adopt this formula. You will save yourself from tension, stress and negative thought. Whenever anything happens which is against your desire, which is unpleasant, then say: الخير فيما وقع (What happened, happened for the good) This is a very simple formula. You acknowledge that there is a power beyond me. I am not alone. There is a power, God, who manages the universe through His angels.  To say: الخير فيما وقع means I am only a particle. It is actually God who is managing the entire universe.  He must have done this for a greater good. This incident must be containing a greater good for me. This is why God made such a decision.

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