Being Born Rich is Not Important

If a person gets wealth, a house and a car, then that's not great. But if a person gets incentive or motivation, then that's something truly great. Such a person will achieve progress. He will turn from a man into superman.

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A person who is born in difficulties develops great motivation to do something in life. This is called incentive. It is very important for a person's potential to be awakened. If a person gets wealth, a house and a car, then that's not great. But if a person gets incentive or motivation, then that's something truly great. Such a person will achieve progress. He will turn from a man into superman. He will be able to play a creative role in life. His incentive will make him capable of turning his potential into actual. If your parents give you money, then that's not great. But so far as one's potential is concerned, that's given by God the Creator. If a person gets wealth and property at birth, that comes from his parents. But the potential that human nature contains has been given by God Almighty. What a person gets from the Creator of the universe is definitely superior to what his parents give him. When a person is born, his mind should be prepared. He must be made a right thinker. He should be taught the art of thinking. He must know the secret of life, the secret of success. He must be educated about how one's natural potential should be converted into actual.

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