Don't Be Demoralized

There is a solution to every problem. So a person must not get demoralized. This is the art of living. This is wisdom. This is intelligence.

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According to the law governing life in this world, losses will surely occur sometime or the other. However intelligent someone might be, whatever be the level of his education, be he big or small. Don’t focus on the loss. There are aspects you understand after suffering a loss. You acquire deeper learning. When you do so, you will not complain, or be despaired. You will turn your failure into success. This is wisdom. A person must never get dejected. There is a Persian couplet:

Muskile neest ki asan na shawad,

Mard bayad ki harasan na shawad.

This means that there is a solution to every problem. So a person must not get demoralized. This is the art of living. This is wisdom. This is intelligence.

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