Paradise in the Making
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In a big city, known as metropolitan, there is an organization that runs many schools. I know a person who was the principal of one such school. He…
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CPS Spiritual Sessions
Ruhaniyat or rabbaniyat means one’s inner personality may acquire godly qualities by becoming immersed in thoughts of God and the Hereafter. This…
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Every individual mind has billions and billions of particles. Every particle is an information particle, knowledge particle, wisdom particle. All…
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A tree is a physical illustration of the spiritual life. It has a unique quality. It begins from a small seed, and then it grows and grows, until it…
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If we utter a statement that is baseless, or false, what happens? It doesn’t get directed at that person, it returns to us. We develop a weak…
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CPS Spiritual Sessions
The most desirable thing in Islam is the purification of the individual. In other words, the intellectual or spiritual development of the individual…
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