Don't Stop Your Thinking

Every individual mind has billions and billions of particles. Every particle is an information particle, knowledge particle, wisdom particle. All this is potentially hidden in every particle. Every particle of our brain has wisdom and knowledge. In the brain, a region of the size of a pin's head has several million actions and reactions. This is totally unthinkable. The mind has a great capacity. Our minds are filled with knowledge and wisdom. If we stop our mind and focus on earning money or keeping our body healthy,  that will be an animal culture.

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To live in the money culture and then stop your mind to not feel tension is like anaesthesia. This can happen even if you go insane or stupid. What is this? This is nothing at all. Peace of mind has value only when it is comes with intellectual development. Our greatest faculty is the mind. If there is no development in the mind, while your body looks healthy, then even an animal on a healthy diet looks good. If you feed a goat well, it begins to look very good. This is no criterion. What is the disadvantage of this with respect to religion? All the focus ends up on the pre-death period. The focus is removed from the post-death period. We are about to enter the post-death period and live there eternally. There is hell and paradise in the post-death period. If our focus is only on the pre-death period, we become just like animals. The process of intellectual development stops. You don’t think about anything other than money. There are billion things other than money. Every individual mind has billions and billions of particles. Every particle is an information particle, knowledge particle, wisdom particle. All this is potentially hidden in every particle. Every particle of our brain has wisdom and knowledge. In the brain, a region of the size of a pin's head has several million actions and reactions. This is totally unthinkable. The mind has a great capacity. Our minds are filled with knowledge and wisdom. If we stop our mind and focus on earning money or keeping our body healthy,  that will be an animal culture.

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