Every person has a true nature, his conscience, his natural wisdom, which help in judgment. A person's inner nature instantly recognizes the truth. But if you don’t accept your mistakes, your inner nature doesn’t get addressed. Your conscience knows that you made a mistake, but you refuse to accept it. This means that your own inner nature doesn’t get addressed. This results in tension. This is why, a person should be ever ready for self correction. I can say this is inner engineering. You have to engineer your inner self, correct it and purify it. You have to build your inner personality. The price to be paid in this world is a life of tension.
If you don’t want to develop a weak personality and want to become a strong personality, you have to adopt a formula: openly say, I was wrong. When you say so, you initiate the process of self-correction within. When you say I was wrong, you correct yourself and decide that you won't repeat this in future. This is a process of self-correction. One who doesn’t initiate the process of self-correction will develop a weak personality. One who is ready to initiate self-correction will develop a strong personality. There is a simple answer to this problem. You can understand through your daily experiences with the people you meet.
When you criticize them and pinpoint their mistakes, they won't be able to manage it. When it becomes evident that a person was involved in a mistake, even if you tell him that he was mistaken he won't say, I was wrong. He would beat about the bush and try to assert that he had always been right. This is a weak personality. One has to pay two heavy prices for a weak personality. A person who develops a weak personality has to pay a heavy price in this world and the Hereafter. What is the price to be paid in this world? Every person has a true nature, his conscience, his natural wisdom, which help in judgment. A person's inner nature instantly recognizes the truth. But if you don’t accept your mistakes, your inner nature doesn’t get addressed. Your conscience knows that you made a mistake, but you refuse to accept it. This means that your own inner nature doesn’t get addressed. This results in tension. This is why, a person should be ever ready for self correction. I can say this is inner engineering. You have to engineer your inner self, correct it and purify it. You have to build your inner personality. The price to be paid in this world is a life of tension.
When your inner nature doesn’t get addressed, it leads to tension. The other price to be paid in the Hereafter is that such people won't find a place in Paradise. Paradise is the name of God's neighbourhood: رَبِّ ابْنِ لِي عِنْدَكَ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ (66:11) What does this verse say about Paradise? Paradise is the name of living in God's neighbourhood: Will those who have a weak personality ever find place in God's neighbourhood? They can never find a place there!