The Importance of Taking the Back Seat

The lesson given by the congregational prayer is repeated five times every day. One person leads and the others stand behind. The back seat gives a starting point. The front seat doesn’t. People reduce the importance of work from back seat. This is why, they are not able to do great things.

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There is a saying in Chinese, Keep going backward until your back touches the wall. Why does someone move backward? When you don’t go back, you won't find a starting point. The starting point is always behind, not in front. If I want to go to London from Delhi, I will start from Delhi and not from London. I have to go to London from Delhi. My starting point is Nizamuddin West, and not London. The starting point is always behind you. It is not ahead of you. Stepping back is a huge sacrifice. In the morning I was telling someone, If you want to do something big in life, be prepared to be a coward. If you want to do something big in life, be prepared to be a coward. I use the word coward in a positive sense: to go back, taking a back seat is the greatest sacrifice. This sacrifice is being taught to Muslims for 1400 years. But no one could understand yet. What happens in the Muslim prayer? This is what happens in the congregational prayer, in every mosque. You may be 100, 1000 or 1 lakh in number, but the imam is one. The imam stands in front, while others stand in rows behind. What does this mean? What is the lesson or teaching we get from Namaz? One person will stand ahead, while others will take a back seat. This is the lesson given by Namaz. You may be 100 in number, or 1000 or 1 lakh, but one person will lead. The lesson given by the congregational prayer is repeated five times every day. One person leads and the others stand behind. The back seat gives a starting point. The front seat doesn’t. People reduce the importance of work from back seat. This is why, they are not able to do great things.

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