Discover God's Glory Everyday

A believer is one who has to discover God everyday in a new state—he discovers a new aspect of the glory and majesty of God everyday. This is an example of discovery—to understand a verse which has been mentioned about God with reference to the believer, or the reader.  Unless you have this vision, you will not have intellectual awakening nor will you be able to make new discoveries. You have to make new discoveries everyday.

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There is a verse of the Quran: "Every day He manifests Himself in a new state." (55:29) Reflecting on this, I understood that God does not undergo evolution. God is far above any kind of evolution. God is complete from the very beginning to this day. There is no evolution in God. Then what does the Quran mean by saying every day God manifests in a new state? This verse has been mentioned in God's reference. But the verse is being addressed to the reader or the believer. 

A believer is one who has to discover God everyday in a new state—he discovers a new aspect of the glory and majesty of God everyday. This is an example of discovery—to understand a verse which has been mentioned about God with reference to the believer, or the reader.  Unless you have this vision, you will not have intellectual awakening nor will you be able to make new discoveries. You have to make new discoveries everyday. God does not evolve everyday, rather you have to discover new aspects of Him on a regular basis. Then you will become the person whom God selects in the Hereafter. What is Paradise? It is a place where people from all over history will be selected to reside. All those people who fulfil the criterion established by God will be gathered together to be settled in Paradise in the Hereafter. 

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