Be Aware of Your Times

If you are aware of your times, you will be able to achieve high level of God-realization. You will be able to plan for dawah and save yourself from destruction.

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There is an old saying: الناس اعداء ما جهلوا ''People are enemies of that which they do not know.'' I will say people ruin themselves if they remain unaware. If a person is unaware, he will face failure. He will not find anything in this world. In Muslim countries, there is generally destruction. This is because they are unaware of the new age. This is why a hadith says: ان يكون بصيرا بزمانه ''A believer should be aware of the times in which he lives.'' If you are aware of your times, you will be able to achieve high level of God-realization. You will be able to plan for dawah and save yourself from destruction. 

You will utilize your energy in a better way. You will do dawah in a peaceful way throughout the world. All this will happen if you are aware of your times. The above hadith is an example of short yet comprehensive speech. If you are aware of the times, there will be no limit to your success. The saying 'sky is the limit' will be applicable to you.  There will be success everywhere. If you are unaware of the times, you will fight and die. You will waste your energy and give a bad name to Islam.  

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