What is Accepting Defeat?

Every single person often realizes that his planning at a certain juncture doesn’t succeed as he had desired.  Often people become despaired on these occasions. They try to seek revenge from other parties. They confront and clash unnecessarily without any consequence. If they are inferior in arms, they start pelting stones. This saying means that if you have been defeated, you must accept that. Your mind should start working in another direction.

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An old saying goes, One who accepts defeat can never be defeated. What does this mean? What is accepting defeat? Accepting defeat doesn’t mean you have been defeated. Accepting defeat means you don’t have enough resources at the front where you had been making efforts. You decide to change your field. This is the same formula known as, Try, try, try again. Think, think, there must be a better way. Every single person often realizes that his planning at a certain juncture doesn’t succeed as he had desired.  Often people become despaired on these occasions. They try to seek revenge from other parties. They confront and clash unnecessarily without any consequence. If they are inferior in arms, they start pelting stones. This saying means that if you have been defeated, you must accept that. Your mind should start working in another direction. There are many fields for exerting one's effort, not just a single field. If you were focusing on a certain field and made no advances, then that is not the only field available. There are many other fields where you can make efforts.

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