Anger Stops Your Thinking Process

The law of this world is that revenge is followed by revenge. If you kill someone, his sons will go after you. Before taking revenge, remember that revenge will be followed by revenge.

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I once met a person from Basti who came to me seething in anger. He had started business in partnership with another man. That man got a chance to take away all his money and left him penniless. There is a long story behind this. This person decided to kill his partner who had cheated him. Earlier this man had been his friend, but now he had turned into his enemy. In anger, he said he would surely take revenge for what had happened. I only said one thing to him. The law of this world is that revenge is followed by revenge. If you kill that man, his sons will go after you. Before taking revenge, remember that revenge will be followed by revenge. I explained it to him. When he understood, he became calm. He asked me what he should do then? I asked him if after this loss he had any money left with him. I told him to forget his loss. Let it be out of his mind. I advised him to begin any work with 20,000 Rupees he was left with. I told him to do whatever he could. He went home and started new business with the money he had. Nowadays 20,000 is very less in value. But in those times it was a good amount. After about 1.5 years, the person returned to meet me. He said: Now I have far more money that the amount I had lost. I am quite happy. When he decided to fight, he was filled with negative thoughts and anger. This made his mind's thinking process come to a halt. When he changed his mindset and made it positive, he started thinking in another manner. His mind went in the correct direction and he became successful.

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