Anger can be a stepping stone to success

A person benefits from anger if he converts anger into a struggle, an intellectual struggle. Post-anger, this person will be very different from what he was pre-anger. After getting angry, he will be far ahead of where he was before he got angry, only if he is aware of this art.

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A great blessing from the Creator is that every human being has anger. At the same time, every person is commanded to control his anger. (3:134) God's plan is that a person's mind should continually have an intellectual struggle. This struggle would drive him toward intellectual development. It is not only about anger. If a person is affluent and gets everything for free, then his mind will stagnate. His mind won't develop intellectually. If there is anything other than anger that keeps a person in a constant state of struggle, then that person becomes alive. He will be able to think, gather experience, have high thinking and discern matters with depth. He will not experience intellectual stagnation. This means that anger is not evil. Anger is a stepping stone, a ladder or a means to success.

A person would inevitably get angry for some or the other reason. But he must control his anger. He must keep anger out of his mind. If he starts fighting once he gets angry, reacts and loses his temper, then his anger didn’t benefit him at all. A person benefits from anger if he converts anger into a struggle, an intellectual struggle. Post-anger, this person will be very different from what he was pre-anger. After getting angry, he will be far ahead of where he was before he got angry, only if he is aware of this art.

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