Aligning with the Language of Nature
ERNEST PSICHARI (1883-1914), a French writer, began his journey as a free-thinker and an atheist during his youth. However, as time passed, he underwent a profound transformation and returned to religion. Notably, he was the grandson of the renowned historian, Ernest Renan, and like his grandfather, Psichari played a significant role in fostering a spiritual awakening in France during the turn of the twentieth century.
One of Psichari’s profound sayings has been eloquently rendered in English: Silence is a bit of heaven that comes down to earth.
Silence is the language of nature. These simple words encapsulate the essence of the power of silence.
Silence holds a mystical quality, for it allows individuals to connect with the natural world in a profound way. When one embraces silence, a sense of harmony with nature emerges, transcending the mundane realities of life. In this state of silence, the human soul finds its highest plane of existence, unburdened by worldly distractions.
However, complete and absolute silence is not possible for human beings in their interactions with others. The external silence is a gateway to converse with one’s internal world. It is an introspective state where one can delve into the depths of the self, fostering self-awareness and contemplation.
Observing silence is a noble act that redirects one’s attention from earthly matters to more spiritual concerns. In this serene state, one’s focus turns to matters of the soul and the divine, attuning oneself to the whispers of angels rather than the clamour of worldly affairs. The superficiality of everyday life recedes, making way for a connection with profound and authentic realities.
In the presence of silence, human limitations seem to dissolve, and the individual becomes part of the boundless vastness of the world. While speaking confines us to a limited domain, silence expands our consciousness and opens us up to the limitless expanse of existence. By embracing silence, one can tap into the spiritual essence that lies within, connecting with nature, the self, and the divine, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of existence itself.