For Progress of the Indian Nation

PADMA VIBHUSHAN awardee Maulana Wahiduddin Khan pens a poignant reflection on his return from a sojourn to developed nations to his homeland, Delhi. Upon his return, he was struck by the stark contrast between the two worlds. While the developed countries he visited exuded excellence in every facet, Delhi appeared, by comparison, to be rather ordinary.

Yet, in this stark juxtaposition, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan never entertained the notion of forsaking his beloved India for a life in America, despite the undeniable fact that America stood as a significantly more developed nation than his homeland. His unwavering love and loyalty to India, his place of birth and roots, remained unshaken.

His deepest aspiration is a testament to his devotion. He yearns for his country, India, to progress and prosper on par with the world’s most advanced nations. This aspiration echoes a noble vision, one in which he envisions India joining the ranks of the world’s developed countries, showcasing its potential and capabilities on the global stage.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan’s unwavering commitment to the development of his homeland is evident in his resolute stance. He is driven by a sense of personal responsibility and a steadfast belief that his life’s purpose is intrinsically tied to the advancement of India. Even if he does not witness the realization of his dream of a developed India in his lifetime, he derives solace from the knowledge that he has contributed his humble efforts, akin to placing bricks with his feeble hands, to lay the foundation for India’s promising future.

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