The Creator of the Intelligent Universe

MAN by his very nature wants a God who is greatest of the greatest and Who is the only one who has no partner. As a matter of human psychology, man wants a God of unbounded greatness.

Since man, in past history, has not been able to discover such a God of limitless glory, he has not been able to establish an elevated relationship with God.

He has believed in God in a formal way by observing rituals but he has not found a God who becomes all in all for him.

What is the reason for this happening?

In ancient times, man would see that there were many things which appeared great. For instance the sun, the moon, the oceans and the mountains, etc.

Moreover, in ancient times, there were many great emperors who made the claim of being the greatest Lords.

There were many such different objects of greatness which dominated man’s mind.

This being so, in spite of believing in God, people could not discover the greatest and the noblest being in the form of God.

This aspect has been brought to an end for the first time by modern science.

What modern science did for the first time was to place all human or non-human greatness in a non-divine perspective.

Now it is possible that man, by his reflection and deep thinking, may embark on this journey and may discover God in the highest form.

Further, the scientists have succeeded in discovering the meaningfulness of the universe but failed to discover the Creator of this meaningful universe.

That is why they wonder when the meaningfulness of the universe is observable, why is it that the Creator of the meaningfulness is unobservable.

Where is the wise Creator of this intelligent universe?

What is the answer to where is God? God tells us that He is closer to us than our jugular vein.

The truth is that universe without God is unexplainable. We can see Him through the signs in the universe.

Therefore if we believe in God we will find complete meaningfulness of our life and know the purpose of our life and know what we have to strive to live a peaceful life.

Further in our journey of belief let us ponder about the following:

In the human world we all know that human beings with their superior intelligence are able to study the other creatures. But, all the other creatures put together cannot study the human being. So, a superior being only has the capability of introducing Himself to His creation.

We will find this introduction in Islam. God Almighty in the 99 names Has described His qualities which we, by our nature look for in a supreme being and without any of these qualities we cannot have a strong faith to trust in Him completely. Trust is placed in someone who is all powerful, all wise, the bestower, the one who can give us solace, strength, sustenance and everything else which is a natural desire of man.

Chapter 112 of the Quran says: Say, He is God, the One God, the Self- sufficient One. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.

The following are the attributes as mentioned by God Himself.

           ARABIC                          ENGLISH

1           AR-RAHMAN                       THE ALL-COMPASSIONATE

2           AR-RAHIM                           THE ALL-MERCIFUL

3           AL-MALIK                             THE ABSOLUTE RULER

4           AL-QUDDUS                        THE PURE ONE

5           AS-SALAM                            THE SOURCE OF PEACE

6           AL-MU’MIN                          THE INSPIRER OF FAITH

7           AL-MUHAYMIN                  THE GUARDIAN

8           AL-AZIZ                                 THE VICTORIOUS

9           AL-JABBAR                           THE COMPELLER

10         AL-MUTAKABBIR               THE GREATEST

11         AL-KHALIQ                          THE CREATOR

12         AL-BARI                                THE MAKER OF ORDER

13         AL-MUSAWWIR                  THE SHAPER OF BEAUTY

14         AL-GHAFFAR                       THE FORGIVING

15         AL-QAHHAR                        THE SUBDUER

16         AL-WAHHAB                       THE GIVER OF ALL

17         AR-RAZZAQ                         THE SUSTAINER

18         AL-FATTAH                          THE OPENER

19         AL-ALIM                                THE KNOWER OF ALL

20         AL-QABIZ                             THE CONSTRICTOR

21         AL-BASIT                              THE RELIEVER

22         AL-KHAFIZ                           THE ABASER

23         AR-RAFI                                THE EXALTER

24         AL-MUIZZ                             THE BESTOWER OF HONORS

25         AL-MUZILL                           THE HUMILIATOR

26         AS-SAMI                                THE HEARER OF ALL

27         AL-BASIR                              THE SEER OF ALL

28         AL-HAKAM                           THE JUDGE

29         AL-‘ADL                                 THE JUST

30         AL-LATIF                               THE SUBTLE ONE

31         AL-KHABIR                          THE ALL-AWARE

32         AL-HALIM                            THE FORBEARING

33         AL-AZIM                               THE MAGNIFICENT

34         AL-GHAFUR                         THE FORGIVER &HIDER OF FAULTS

35         ASH-SHAKUR                      THE REWARDER OF THANKFULNESS

36         AL-ALI                                   THE HIGHEST

37         AL-KABIR                              THE GREATEST

38         AL-HAFIZ                              THE PRESERVER

39         AL-MUQIT                            THE NOURISHER

40         AL-HASIB                             THE ACCOUNTER

41         AL-JALIL                                THE MIGHTY

42         AL-KARIM                             THE GENEROUS

43         AR-RAQIB                            THE WATCHFUL ONE

44         AL-MUJIB                              THE RESPONDER TO PRAYER

45         AL-WASI                               THE ALL-COMPREHENDING

46         AL-HAKIM                            THE PERFECTLY WISE

47         AL-WADUD                          THE LOVING ONE

48         AL-MAJID                              THE MAJESTIC ONE

49         AL-BA’ITH                             THE RESURRECTOR

50         ASH-SHAHID                       THE WITNESS

51         AL-HAQQ                             THE TRUTH

52         AL-WAKIL                             THE TRUSTEE

53         AL-QAWIYY                         THE POSSESSOR OF ALL STRENGTH

54         AL-MATIN                            THE FORCEFUL ONE

55         AL-WALIYY                          THE GOVERNOR

56         AL-HAMID                            THE PRAISED ONE

57         AL-MUHSI                            THE APPRAISER

58         AL-MUBDI’                           THE ORIGINATOR

59         AL-MU’ID                              THE RESTORER

60         AL-MUHYI                            THE GIVER OF LIFE

61         AL-MUMIT                            THE TAKER OF LIFE

62         AL-HAYY                               THE EVER LIVING ONE

63         AL-QAYYUM                        THE SELF-EXISTING ONE

64         AL-WAJID                             THE FINDER

65         AL-MAJID                              THE GLORIOUS

66         AL-WAHID                           THE UNIQUE, THE SINGLE

67         AL-AHAD                              THE ONE, THE INDIVISIBLE

68         AS-SAMAD                           THE SATISFIER OF ALL NEEDS

69         AL-QADIR                             THE ALL POWERFUL

70         AL-MUQTADIR                    THE CREATOR OF ALL POWERFUL

71         AL-MUQADDIM                  THE EXPEDITER

72         AL-MUAKHKHIR                 THE DELAYER

73         AL-AWWAL                          THE FIRST

74         AL-AKHIR                             THE LAST

75         AZ-ZAHIR                             THE MANIFEST ONE

76         AL-BATIN                             THE HIDDEN ONE

77         AL-WALI                               THE PROTECTING FRIEND

78         AL-MUTA’ALI                       THE SUPREME ONE

79         AL-BARR                               THE DOER OF GOOD

80         AT-TAWWAB                       THE GUIDE TO REPENTANCE

81         AL-MUNTAQIM                  THE AVENGER

82         AL-‘AFUWW                         THE FORGIVER

83         AR-RA’UF                              THE CLEMENT (MERCIFUL)

84         MALIK-AL-MULK                THE OWNER OF ALL


86         AL-MUQSIT                          THE EQUITABLE ONE

87         AL-JAMI’                                THE GATHERER

88         AL-GHANI                            THE RICH ONE

89         AL-MUGHNI                        THE ENRICHER

90         AL MANI’                              THE PREVENTER OF HARM

91         AD-DARR                              THE CREATOR OF THE HARMFUL

92         AN-NAFI’                              THE CREATOR OF GOOD

93         AN-NUR                                THE LIGHT

94         AL-HADI                               THE GUIDE

95         AL-BARI                                THE ORIGINATOR

96         AL-BAQI                                THE EVERLASTING ONE

97         AL-WARITH                         THE INHERITOR OF ALL

98         AR-RASHID                          THE RIGHTEOUS TEACHER

99         AS-SABUR                            THE PATIENT ONE

God has the most
excellent names.
(7: 180)

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