Maximize Your Chances

HUMAN life is divided into three different periods: childhood, youth, and old age. In childhood, man himself is not able to plan for his future. Parents often fritter away this period by unnecessary and excessive pampering of their children. The Creator of the universe is creating human beings so that they can play a constructive role in life. However, due to lack of planning, most of the people are unable to utilize this huge potential. They die after living an incomplete life.

Life is a precious gift from the Lord of the universe. A person should use this gift to the fullest. He should save himself from losing this divinely gifted life. When man cannot bring life into existence, he does not have the right to waste the life he has been given.

In fact, every human being has the opportunity in the present life to succeed through proper planning that is in accordance with the creation plan of God. Life is full of events. Every human being has experiences in life that are not to be found in the lives of other human beings. It is as if every human being is carrying a library with him. This library of life is a test paper. Through this library, a person will achieve either eternal success or eternal failure.

Day of Judgement is the day when every book, whether finished or unfinished, written by human being will come out in the open. At that time every human being will know what he lost in his life, and what he gained. What opportunity did he seize, and what opportunity did he waste? The most important aspect of this situation would be that no human being would be able to re-write the story of his life. Successful person is the one who understands this reality of life and lives accordingly.

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