A person wearing glasses and a scarf

Description automatically generatedProf Farida Khanam is an author, editor, translator, public speaker and former professor of Islamic Studies at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. Among her books are ‘A Simple Guide to Islam’ and ‘A Study of World’s Major Religions’. She has translated into English many books authored by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. Currently the chairperson of CPS International, she is a regular contributor of articles to various publications. Prof Khanam has edited Maulana’s English translation of the Quran and has also translated his Urdu commentary on the Quran into English. She can be reached at [email protected]



WHEN we create an email or any other account on the internet, one necessary step that we need to complete is to type CAPTCHA. It is usually a picture consisting of random letters, which must be read, recognized, and written in the designated box by the user.

According to a Wikipedia entry, a CAPTCHA is a type of challenge– response test used in computing to determine whether the user is human. It is a type of security measure known as challenge-response authentication. It helps protect you from spam and password decryption by asking you to complete a simple test that proves you are human and not a computer trying to break into a password-protected account.

This is a test, which is used on a website to confirm that a real person is on the website. It is used to rule out the possibility that the user is not a software programme trying to deceive this system. The purpose of this arrangement is to prevent fraudsters from misusing online accounts. It is very difficult for a software programme to read the letters written in this picture, but a person can identify these signs easily.

This is an example from which the truth of human life can be understood. We can understand that why difficulties and hardships are needed in life. These difficulties show the difference between a sincere and insincere person. When a sincere person faces difficulties, he works patiently, and plans with a positive mind. On the contrary, an insincere human being is impatient. He adopts negative and reactionary approach. The hardships one faces in life are part of challenge-response test. These hardships give one the opportunity to maintain oneself as an honest and sincere person, to develop a predictable character, and thereby to become a better human being.

The building of a nation
means, basically, the building
of character. For without
character, the utterly selfless
dedication which is a pre-
requisite for national success,
will never manifest itself.
Without reforming individuals,
the reform of a nation will
remain the stuff of dreams—

illusory and without substance.

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