A Misplaced Quest
FOR SEVERAL decades now, scientists have been carrying out an extraordinary kind of research—listening for life in space. SETI or The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is a collective term for scientific searches for intelligent extraterrestrial life, for example, monitoring electromagnetic radiation for signs of transmissions from civilizations on other planets. In 2015, the noted theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking announced a 100 million dollar hunt for alien life that would comprise of a 10-year international search effort for intelligent civilizations beyond our solar system.
Mr. Hawking said at the same conference, “We believe that life arose spontaneously on Earth, so in an infinite universe there must be other occurrences of life.” Space flights, therefore, also aim, among other things, at contacting those forms of life. Such an assumption has led to the conviction that an extraterrestrial civilization exists. In addition to space flights, huge antennas have been set up in the USA and other developed countries. These antennae are called radio ears. They serve to send and receive signals from outer space. Extremely sensitive instruments have also been installed with an aim to receive the expected signals.
It appears that the modern theory of evolution has given rise to this quest. The explanations furnished to prove the evolutionary concept of life presuppose the existence of life forms in some parts of outer space resembling the life forms on Earth.
The truth of the matter is that the existence of a living man is evidence of living God.
The cell is the fundamental unit of life, and the DNA of a single-celled animal contains enough information to fill a volume of an encyclopedia while the information in the RNA and the rest of the cell can fill an entire library. All that information has to be in the right order for the cell to function. Carl Sagan, one of the founders of SETI said that “A single message from outer space would prove there was intelligent life on other planets,” but how is it that an entire library of information inside the most simple cell doesn’t prove that intelligence put it there? The existence of life and consciousness is a unique and exceptional phenomenon in the whole universe. Since this consciousness could never have come into being by itself, it necessarily involves, therefore, the existence in space of life and consciousness on a greater plane—the source of life on Earth. In this way, modern science clearly indicates the possibility of a Creator.
How is it that an entire library of information inside the most simple cell doesn't prove that intelligence put it there?
Yet, man’s existence is being sought to be explained away in terms simply of there being some life forms in space—forms resembling ours but not necessarily superior, just another form of civilization, and not a Lord or Creator. Whereas the truth of the matter is that the existence of living man is evidence of living God.