Source of Beauty and Goodness
GOD is the source of all goodness. He can be seen everywhere. His existence is manifested in His creation throughout the universe. His power is evident in the form of light and heat. He converts matter into greenery and flowing water. His glory is made manifest in colour, taste and fragrance. Motion and magnetism are evidence of His strength.
Belief in a God of such perfection is more than just a dogma. It illuminates man’s soul and enraptures his heart. If one relishes a delicious fruit, and goes into ecstasy on hearing a melodic tune, how then can one fail to be moved by the discovery of God, who is the fountainhead of all goodness.
God is the source of all goodness. He can be seen everywhere. His existence is manifested in His creation throughout the universe.
When one truly discovers God, He becomes like a fragrance which one savours, a delicious taste which one relishes, a spectacle which captivates one’s vision, a melody which never ceases to thrill. God has created all these exquisite delights. His being is their treasurehouse. Drawing close to God is like entering Paradise. It is like dwelling in a garden of exquisite beauty and fragrance, like being in the neighbourhood of the source of all light. The Quran says:
God is the light of the heavens and the earth. His light may be compared to a niche containing a lamp, the lamp inside a crystal of star-like brilliance lit from a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west. The [luminous] oil is as if ready to burn without even the fire touching it. Light upon light; God guides to His light whom He will. God draws such comparisons for humankind; God has full knowledge of everything. (24: 35)