Compensation for One’s Weakness

THE MOVEMENT of the stars and planets in the endless space appears astonishingly strange to behold. An unbelievable number of vast balls of fire called stars are moving with great speed. Amidst these astral bodies, the Earth appears no more than a grain of sand.

It is an awesome experience to witness this constant motion of the stars and planets. One can also see unbelievably enormous masses of heavenly bodies countless in number, racing about amidst which the planet Earth appears like a little speck. All of this so astounds us that compared to this, our own existence appears to be totally insignificant.

This spectacle of the universe leads to the discovery of two important things. First, the existence of an All-Powerful God, who is its Creator as well as its Sustainer. If one can bring to mind this scene of the massive universe, one’s heart will testify that the universe itself is a proof of its Creator. And, secondly, the utter helplessness of man. God is an indispensable need of man. Without God, man’s very existence is impossible. When one discovers this reality, one would race towards God and call out wholeheartedly, “God! Please help me! Without You, nothing is possible for me.”

In this vast universe, it is God who is man’s support. He alone can help us cross this river of life and lead us to the other shore safely. Belief in God is everything for man. Without this belief, man is nothing at all.

In this vast universe, it is God who is man’s support. He alone can help us cross this river of life and lead us to the other shore safely.

Each one of us, in our daily life, feels the same utter helplessness that we experience when we observe the vast universe. Each one of us repeatedly goes through experiences that lead us to realize our severe limitations. Very often, we do not get what we want. Situations arise in our lives that compel us to feel completely helpless. In addition to this, fear of loss, sickness, accidents, old age and death tell us that we are utterly dependent on a force that is infinitely greater than us, and that without the help of this infinitely superior power, we simply cannot succeed. This realization is a psychological proof of God’s existence. Every person necessarily encounters this psychological experience. Every person finds within, a firm proof of God’s existence.

For each one of us, our nature is continuously calling out to us, telling us that we need God, that without God, our life cannot be complete, and that without God’s help, we can never be truly successful. Man’s position is further illustrated by the following example.

Our nature is continuously calling out to us, telling us that we need God, that without God, our life cannot be complete, and that without God’s help, we can never be truly successful.

A hundred years ago, a ship sailed from the coast of America towards Africa. When the ship was far out in the open sea, a severe storm broke out, making it heave and shudder. The passengers were all shaken and in a state of great fear and anxiety. At this time of crisis, one of the passengers noticed a little girl in a corner on the deck playing with her dolls, quite undisturbed by the storm. Seeing her, he got curious and asked, “Do you know what is happening to our ship?”

The girl asked, “What is the matter?”

The passenger told her that the ship was caught in a dangerous storm.

The girl calmly replied: “You know, my father is the captain of this ship. He is not going to let it sink.”

The girl’s faith in her father saved her from being a victim of fear at this crucial moment. The same is true of a person of faith. He has the same childlike faith in his Creator, God Almighty. But this is a faith of far greater intensity. When catastrophe threatens, he can say with much stronger conviction that God Almighty is the captain of the ship of his life. He will never let it sink under any circumstance.

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