Proving The Existence Of God
THE inventor of sociobiology, E.O. Wilson, once said in an interview that the Big Bang theory is more interesting than any religious theory regarding the origin of the universe. The Big Bang theory is clearly mentioned in the following verse of the Quran:
Do not those who deny the truth see that the heavens and the earth were one solid mass which we tore asunder, and that we have made every living thing of water? Will they still not believe?
(THE QURAN 21: 30)
The Quran here address all mankind. It is speaking beyond the level of time to all mankind; it tells them that there is proof of the existence of the One God in the universe before their eyes. Why, then, do they deny it?
In 1912, the American astronomer Vesto Melvin Slipher discovered from his observation of the stars from Lowell Observatory in America, that some galaxies were rapidly moving outwards. This theory was later confirmed by Edwin Hubble and Milton Humanson. In fact, their observations through the 100-inch telescope at Mount Wilson showed that all galaxies were moving in an outward direction.
The Dutch astronomer, Willem de Sitter later accumulated further evidence in support of the theory that the universe was exponentially expanding. Then in 1965, New Jersey scientists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation emitted by the Big Bang that marked the origin of the universe. So much evidence has accumulated in support of the Big Bang Theory that it has now come to be regarded as an established fact.
This theory implies that the universe is not infinite; it has a definite beginning. It shows that we live in an expanding universe. All around us galaxies are careering outwards at a stupendous pace. It has been calculated that if this outward movement were to be reversed, it would take 20,000 million years for the whole strung out universe to converge into one mass.
The Big Bang theory is conclusive evidence that the universe is contingent. According to the prevailing scientific view of cosmology, the universe had a distinct and singular beginning about 14 billion years ago. The universe, therefore, appears to be an effect and, thus, is seemingly dependent upon something outside of and beyond itself.
This theory has proved the existence of God from the law of nature, for only an external agent at a specific instance in time could have made a point mass into an ever expanding universe.
Time and the Universe had a distinct and singular beginning. They are an effect and thus dependent upon a causal agent outside and beyond.
As Aristotle cogently argued, there must be a reality that causes but is itself uncaused or, a being that moves but is itself unmoved. Why? Because if there is an infinite regression of causes, then by definition the whole process could never begin.
The more science advances, the closer it comes to God. One is compelled to agree with what Dr. Maurice Bucaille writes in his book, The Bible, the Qur'an & Science:
In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad’s day it is inconceivable that many of the statements in the Quran which are connected with science could have been the work of a man. It is moreover, perfectly legitimate, not only to regard the Quran as the expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a very special place, on account of the guarantee of authenticity it provides and the presence in it of scientific statements which, when studied today, appear as a challenge to explanation in human terms.