Road Block, Not Mental Block
WHEN a road is under repair, a notice bearing the words 'ROAD CLOSED' is put up to warn unwary travellers. But this does not mean that the path to one’s destination is irrevocably barred. There are always other highways and by-ways that one can take—it is just a question of looking around for them. Sometimes, one can reach one’s destination just as well by zigzagging through narrow lanes and alley-ways. The only difference is that this takes somewhat longer, and one has to keep one’s wits about one to negotiate the narrower roadways and sharper turnings. But arrive, one finally does.
Life’s journey is very often like this. One would like to proceed by the broadest and straightest route, moving as fast as possible and reaching one’s goal in the most direct possible way. But often such roads are blocked, and so getting to one's destination begins to seem very difficult, if not impossible. Yet, for every major route which is blocked, there are always several minor roads that are open. It is just a question of having to go about doing things in a slightly roundabout manner.
This is particularly true if you meet with an adversary and feel that you are unable to confront him head-on. It is then that you must find some indirect means of dealing with him. Often, compromise or adjustment is the best solution.
When in one particular field there seems to be a discouraging lack of opportunities, one can search for and certainly find opportunities in some other field. When you fail to find a place for yourself in the front row, you can always make do with a place in the rear until a place up ahead finally falls vacant for you. When you cannot find people to extend you a helping hand, press on fearlessly and strike out on your own. When you need things from people to help you in life and no one seems ready to be generous, stop thinking of how deprived you are and try, instead, to earn God’s blessings.
For every closed door, there is always another which is open—but only to those who have the eyes to see it, and the courage to march through it.