Greetings of Peace!

Dear Friends,

We are grateful to God and thankful for the support and encouragement you have given us, enabling us to successfully complete one year of publication of our magazine, SPIRIT OF ISLAM.

To reiterate, the purpose of this magazine is neither to provide entertainment nor to cover topical news and current affairs. It is purely for serious readers and seekers of truth and peace. It aims at stimulating a desire for intellectual growth and spiritual development, while fostering love for wisdom and knowledge of the realities of life. Through this medium, we aspire to present answers to eternal questions like: Why am I here? Is there a God? What is my purpose in life? Is there any meaning in life? Did this universe happen by chance? What is the creation plan of God?

In keeping with our quest towards spiritual living, with this issue we introduce a new series entitled ‘From the Spiritual Tree’—unique spiritual insights and personal discoveries of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan which are a special delight for the soul. In addition to seeking answers to questions, all of us also seek peace and happiness. Through the pages of this magazine the concept of peace is constantly in focus, and this will, God-willing be continued resolutely.

For our continuous improvement, we welcome and appreciate your valuable feedback. If you disapprove of anything in this magazine, please express your genuine feelings to us and give us the opportunity to improve. If you like this magazine and approve of it, please let others know about it.

We wish you all happiness in the year 2014, and present to you the key to happiness through Maulana's Desk in the following pages.

Aijaz Ahmed
Associate Editor

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