Acknowledging God

THE well-known Indian lyricist-screenwriter Gulzar was awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award for his contributions to the growth of Indian Cinema at the 61st National Awards ceremony in New Delhi on May 3, 2014. For Gulzar this was a highly emotional event. He was so overwhelmed that he said: “There are few moments in life when a writer, whose work is to play with words, doesn’t know what words to choose to express gratitude and thank people.” This is not a rare event. There are many examples where people were so overwhelmed with gratitude towards a giver that they failed to express it in words.

God is the real giver of all bounties and all good things.

Every gift that one receives is from God, not from man. God is the real giver of all bounties and all good things. It is a strange fact that people fail to discover the real giver. God has created man; He has bestowed all kinds of qualities on him, provided all favourable circumstances in which man plays his role, and everything one receives from birth to the last breath is given by God. However, not many are aware of this fact. They know of some superficial aspect of life, but they do not appreciate the deeper aspect of life. This is the greatest tragedy of human life.

This state of affairs is not very simple. It means that people are living in ignorance. They are unaware of the reality of life. People know things but they do not know the Creator of all things. Making people aware of this fact is the greatest task before reformers.

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