BANGALORE was the venue of the Dawah Meet held from 12th– 15th June 2014. It was organised by the Bangalore Chapter of CPS International (Centre for Peace and Spirituality). Nearly a hundred men and women participated in this Meet from different parts of the country. The venue was Visthar Academy for Justice and Peace, Bangalore.

Those who attended would testify that it was a totally different kind of Meet. During the proceedings, there were more than ten spiritual learning sessions but there was no clapping, no political discussions, no communal talk, no emotional speeches and no complaints against anyone. Instead, there were peaceful discussions in a completely spiritual atmosphere.

Some programmes took place in the open, in nature where the chirping of birds could be heard, like a divine song playing in the background of the speaker’s talk. The entire proceedings were recorded and can be viewed at

The nature of proceedings of the Bangalore Dawah Meet can be understood by just this one point mentioned below, from the talk of the patron of CPS, Maulana Wahiduddin Khan.

All India Radio broadcasts a daily show titled, ‘Born to be remembered’. Referring to it, he said that while listening to this programme, his mind was triggered to think, was man really born merely to spend less than one hundred years in this world and then perish forever leaving behind only a few memories? Other than memories, nothing else remained of that person. This was a highly pessimistic view of human history. Contrary to this, the Quran gives us an optimistic view of human history. If you read the Quran, you will find that the Quran explains the purpose of man’s life. In accordance with this purpose, every man and woman is expected to strive to qualify for Paradise so that in the post-death period, they may gain entry into their real habitat: the eternal and perfect world of Paradise! He said that keeping this in mind, a more apt title to describe the situation of man would be, ‘Born to Live in Eternal Paradise’.

The Bangalore Dawah Meet was a spiritual meet. Those who participated in this gathering were already involved in Dawah activities, that is, they were engaged in disseminating the message of God to all mankind. The Dawah mission is a non-political, non-communal and non-material mission. It is an aakhirat-oriented mission. It has no commercial purpose, neither directly or indirectly. The purpose of this Meet was to provide a boost to those who are already actively engaged in Dawah efforts. May God bless us, may God help us realise this noble cause!

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