The Creation Plan of God
THE life span of a human being is more than a billion years but this life span is divided into two different periods. Approximately 100 years of this life is before death and the entire remaining life after death. The first phase of life is spent in the present world and the next phase of life is to be spent in the world of ‘tomorrow’.
Today’s world is like a jungle. We have flowers as well as thorns. In the world of ‘tomorrow’, the flowers and thorns will be separated from each other. After this a final eternal world will be experienced where part of it will consist of only thorns, and another, of only flowers.
Everyone has the opportunity to make preparations for their eternal future in today’s world. One has to show from their life’s record whether they have qualified to dwell in the jungle of thorns or in the Garden of Paradise.
The conditions of today’s world are actually a means of preparation of man’s personality.
In today’s world, these two groups are being formed. Every man shows from the record of his life as to which of the groups he has qualified himself in — the group of thorns or the group of flowers. The conditions of today’s world are actually a means of preparation of this personality. Every man and woman undergoes this process.
In the world of today, both these kinds of personalities do not appear to be separate; but in the world of tomorrow, both kinds of personalities will be separated completely as in the form of flowers or in the form of thorns.
The two-sided action affecting the human personality can also be termed as the positive and negative personality. Every man experiences negativity in today’s world. One who takes negative experience entirely in its negativity will develop a negative personality within him. A person who converts negative experiences into positive food (lessons) will form a positive personality.
For instance, a person abuses you, troubles you, and provokes you. In that case you have two ways of responding to them. One is the way of ‘tit-for-tat’. Just as you have been troubled, you do the same to the other person. You also abuse him, trouble him, and harm him. You are reacting to another’s provocation.
Today’s world is like a jungle. We have flowers as well as thorns. In the world of ‘tomorrow’, the flowers and thorns will be separated from each other.
The one who responds or retaliates in this manner develops a negative personality. He reaps the harvest of thorns in him. This personality becomes a thorny personality. He will rise up as a thorny personality in the world of ‘tomorrow’ and he will be cast in the jungle of thorns where he will spend his life eternally in grief and frustration.
On the contrary, a person who responds in a positive manner to a negative behaviour is the one who was abused by others but did not abuse anyone. Others tormented him but he did not torment others. He was harmed, but he did not harm others. He was provoked by others, but did not provoke or retaliate against anyone.
This is the man who lived like a flower amidst thorns. He built a personality like a flower within him. Such a personality will be given the opportunity to live in the Garden of flowers. In today’s world of thorns, what is the way of making a flowery personality? For this, nature provides us some living examples. The humble cow is one such example. The cow is an industry of nature. It is given grass from the outer world but the cow converts it, through its inner mechanism, into milk. Something similar is to be done by every man and woman in this world. Every man and woman has to continuously change the ‘grass’ into a form of ‘milk’.
There are two major parts of human brain — the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. When a thought comes in the mind of man, initially, it appears in the conscious mind. Gradually, in due course, it reaches the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind of man is a part where every item is preserved forever but that is not in the grasp of man’s conscious mind. Whosoever wants to have a flowery personality will have to activate his mind whenever a negative item comes to his mind and convert it into a positive item. So that in the next stage when this item moves on to the unconscious mind, it is preserved as a positive item rather than a negative one.
For instance, if any thought of hatred comes to his conscious mind he has to diffuse that hatred and convert it into thoughts of love. When some jealous thought comes to his mind, he should convert it into feelings of acknowledgement.
One who converts negative experiences into positive lessons will form a positive personality.
On any matter when his ego has been stoked, he should convert it into modesty. Any experience producing in him feelings of selfishness should be converted into the feeling of selflessness. In any event, if he thinks he is deprived of his rights he should mould these feelings into that of gratitude.
For those men or women who manage to build such a personality, the store of their consciousness will be a treasury of positive items. It will be completely free from negative items. It is positive personalities such as these that will receive a place in the Garden of flowers in the eternal world after death. There they shall spend their lives in a state of eternal joy and bliss.