“A kind word and forgiveness is better than a charitable deed followed by hurtful words: God is self-sufficient and forbearing.”

Al-Baqarah 2:263

Some soil (earth) may collect on the surface of a boulder. Outwardly, it appears as though this is good, fertile soil, but when a gust of wind brings a rain-shower down upon it, then the earth is washed away, leaving the rock exposed to the elements. The same is true of one who has donned a superficial robe of piety, without that piety having permeated his entire being. Should he be addressed rudely by someone asking for financial help, or should his ego receive wounding blow, he becomes so irritated that he exceeds all bounds of decency in his response.

An important teaching of the Quran is to use words with an extreme sense of responsibility and not let one’s tongue get out of control. This teaching is stressed in the chapter Al Nisa (Women) of the Quran:

There is no good in most of their secret talk, except in the case of those who enjoin charity and kindness or reconciliation between people. If anyone does that, seeking the pleasure of God, We will give him an immense reward. (4:114)

This Quranic verse includes talks and conversations. The power of speech given to man is a rare quality, an exclusive boon. But it involves responsibility and has to be used with great caution. Speech has value only when it is useful. Misuse is liable to punishment. The art of speech management means controlling your tongue, thinking before speaking and calculating in advance the impact of what you say.

Avoid negative talk, lying, and misrepresentation of facts and utterances, which may create rift or suspicion between people or groups. Speech is most commonly misused when the difference between an allegation and a statement based on evidence is not understood. Begin by examining whether what you have to say is supported by logic. If you have good reason to speak, then open your mouth; else, remain silent. What is right speech? It is based on truth and stands up to objective analysis, which is based on verified data that is positive in nature and will not create problems.

Most of our activities are related to speech in one way or another. Each one of us ought to cultivate the art of speaking that is positive, and that creates a healthy atmosphere in the family, society, and the nation. Good speech is the basis of nation-building. People generally lack discipline and dislike constraints on their activities. This is very true of speech. Right speech means disciplined speech, talking in a controlled way—weighing each word before uttering. Well-thought-out speech is a source of building harmony and goodwill. The art of managing speech is vital for everyone. Those with the art of right speech can be declared wholesome human beings.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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