“The true servants of the Gracious One
are those who walk upon the earth with
humility and when they are addressed by
the ignorant ones, their
response is, ‘Peace.”
Al-Furqan 25:63

A man’s way of walking symbolises his whole personality. Those in whose hearts belief in God has taken firm root, become the embodiment of humility and modesty. The fear of God takes away any sense of superiority they may have. This sense of servitude to God permeates all aspects of their lives.

God requires men of excellence to take up their abode in paradise. To this end, He has provided models throughout the cosmos to inspire human beings to attain that level of excellence. Take the iron found in the cosmos. That is man’s model for human resoluteness. The water which gushes forth from barren rocks is his model for leniency and compassion. The immutability of the laws of nature shows man how faithfully he must keep his promises. The fragrance, colour and beauty of the material world are there to inspire man to deal equitably with others. The fact that billions of stars remain in orbit without colliding is an example of how a man should operate within his own sphere and avoid clashing with others. Returning good for evil is exemplified by the trees that take in harmful carbon dioxide and supply us with life-giving oxygen in return. The mountains and everything that stands erect cast their shadows on the ground as if in self-prostration: man is required in the same way to be humble. He should never be proud or domineering. Whoever wishes to share in God’s eternal blessings should be pleased only with that which pleases God; he should obey God, as the cosmos does.

The iron of the cosmos should be the model for human resoluteness. The water which flows forth from hard rocks gives man an example of leniency and compassion. The laws of nature are immutable, so man is required to be faithful to his promises. The world of matter is fragrant, colourful and elegant; man following the same pattern should deal equitably with others. Billions of stars revolve continuously but never collide with one another; man following this cosmic pattern should operate within his own sphere, being careful to avoid clashing with others. Trees take in carbon dioxide and supply us with oxygen in return; this action is required on a human level in the observance of certain ethical values, such as doing good to those who harm one. Mountains and everything that stands erect cast their shadows on the ground as if in an act of self-prostration, so man is required to be humble in the same way; he should not be domineering or proud.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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