Qawwamiat or ‘Bossism’

IN THE 4TH chapter, the Qur’an states that men are the protectors (Qawwam) of women. (4:34) The word used by the Qur’an is Qawwam, and it has
the same connotation as the word ‘boss’ used today.

The word ‘boss’ seemingly appears to convey the meaning that one is the ruler, and the other, ruled. But Qawwam has a different meaning. Qawwam refers to administration, rather than ‘ruling’, or being ‘superior’ to a woman.

Today, the concept of ‘boss’ or ‘bossism’ is widely known. We can understand the concept of Qawwamiat with this example. Qawwamiat means that a man is the head of the family, just as there is a head in an institution or a company. This ‘head’ or ‘boss’ runs the administration of the company, but this does not mean that he ‘rules’ it. The common adage goes, “The Boss is always right.” This does not mean that the Boss is superior, but that for an organization to function successfully, someone with authority and responsibility is needed at its helm.

Similarly, a home is also an institution. And likewise, a head or a boss is required to run this institution successfully. It is in this regard that the Qur’an has called man a qawwam.

The Qawwam of any home has the position of a manager or an administrator, standing above members of equal position. A home could become a prey to anarchy if this principle were not accepted.

Being a Boss means having responsibility for, not superiority over another. Similarly, Qawwamiat is also a responsibility. It fulfils the administrative need, rather than exercising superiority over one another. If the difference between this practical need and ideological authority is fully understood, then the concept of Qawwamiat will be easy to understand.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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