Breaking Away From the
Conditioning Mould

WHEN A MAN and a woman come together in marriage, it is the joining of two different personalities. Each is different from the other in many respects. They are both conditioned to their different ways of up-bringing and lifestyle.

When a child is born, he is conditioned by the environment he grows up in. The environment inside the home, and outside moulds him into what he eventually grows up to be. And this stays with him throughout his life. And as a result, he starts regarding his way of thinking as right. When one starts to think in this manner, it is the result of conditioning. This happens to almost everyone.

And so, when a man and a woman come together in marriage, this type of conditioning becomes a problem. The woman looks at things from a different angle from the man. And this can result in disagreements which can blow up to great proportions.

The only solution to this problem is to de-condition one another. This can happen only when one opens up and engages in intellectual discussion with the other. And a prerequisite for deconditioning is that one must be willing to admit one’s mistakes. Admitting one’s mistakes is the only successful way to de-condition oneself.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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