
Calling people to God or dawah work is the most important mission of Islam. There are two phases of dawah from the beginning of the advent of Islam to the emergence of science and after the emergence of science to the 21st century. Prior to the age of modern science, dawah work was based on miracles as arguments. This has been called in the Quran as Bayyinat (The Quran, 57:25). In the second phase, dawah work has to be based on scientific evidence in respect of arguments. This scientific evidence is what has been referred to in the Quran as signs in the universe and in the creation of man (41:53). The Quran states: “We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is the witness of all things?” (The Quran, 41:53)

Modern science is indeed another name for the discovery of the hidden realities in nature. These hidden arguments were placed in nature, so that when the time came, these should be discovered and used in favor of dawah by way of argument. Now the final time has come when these arguments should be employed in favor of dawah and that great work is to be performed on the basis of scientific arguments, which has been called in the Hadith ‘Shahadat-e-Azam’, the great witness (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2938).

In present times this work of dawah has already been started on the basis of scientific arguments. Modern Science, in reality, is the theology of Islam that has provided us with the data on which we can base Islamic teachings by the accepted standard of the time. The modern scientific age is the fulfillment of a prediction made in the Quran: “We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is the witness of all things?” (The Quran, 41:53).

The laws of nature can now be discovered through scientific study to prove Islamic realities at a high rational standard. I have written a number of books to prove the theology of Islam on the accepted basis of argument. I can say that the modern age is potentially the age of the emergence of Islam. The only thing needed urgently is for the Muslim Ummah to shed its negative thinking which has been called uncleanness (rujz) in the Quran (74:5) and avail of modern opportunities for Islam’s second emergence. They need to discover the modern age to be an age supportive to Islam and re-plan dawah activities for the re-emergence of the Islamic mission in modern times.

Wahiduddin Khan

March 20, 2021
New Delhi

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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