Emergence of Islam

This modern age is one which is supportive of Islam. Although it is generally attributed to the West, it is a fact that the efforts of all of humanity have gone into producing this age. However, the contribution of the western nations in bringing this age into existence is far greater than those of others. If other nations are part of this process, the western nations have seen it to its culmination or enjoy the position of bringing it to fruition.

The prominent aspect of this age is the modern civilization which has totally changed the ancient traditional age.

This age, a new age in every respect, was clearly predicted by the Prophet of Islam. There is a Hadith in this connection recorded in various books with the following wording: “Without doubt God will support Islam by those who would not be among the Muslims.” (Al-Mu‘jam al-Kabir of Al-Tabarani, Hadith No. 14640)

The truth is that the Islamic movement in ancient times was traditional in nature but the great signs of the Creator in nature were hidden. God desired that these signs be discovered and compiled in book form so that a scientific framework should become available to prove the veracity of Islam and enable the realization of God at a higher level. With modern civilization this possibility has become a reality in the 20th century. It is this event which has been predicted in the Quran in these words: “We shall show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth.  Is it not enough that your Lord is the witness of all things?’’ (The Quran, 41:53) After the discovery of the secrets of nature, all this has now become a reality.

This age, potentially, is the age of the emergence of Islam. The beginning of this age was marked by the research done by Galileo Galilee (1564-1642) and later confirmed by Stephen Hawking (1942-2018). Perhaps it has reached its completion. Now the time has come that the divine religion should be brought to the level of being completely understandable, supported by the discovered truths according to the prediction made by the Prophet of Islam.

By using the modern means of communication, the message of the Creator has to be conveyed to each and every home, big or small. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith No. 23814)

Islam has been presented by the prophets in every age. But there was another level of the emergence or advent of Islam termed in the Quran as tabeen-e-haq, the truth becoming clear enough (The Quran, 41:53). In the Hadith, this event of the emergence of Islam is called shahadat-e-azam (the great witness) (Sahih Muslim, Hadith No. 2938). For this to happen, opportunities were required—on the one hand, the arguments giving evidence of the realization of the Lord, and, on the other hand, great favourable circumstances to perform the task of dawah. Both these things have come into existence in their perfect form in today’s modern scientific age.

Now a group is required who may recognize these opportunities and by availing of them may convert this final emergence of Islam into a reality. This has been expressed by the words of Shahadat-e-Azam in the Hadith.

For the completion of this goal, all the desired factors have been provided by God. The only thing needed urgently is for the Muslim Ummah to shed its negative thinking which has been called uncleanness (rujz) in the Quran (74:5). Only those people can avail of modern opportunities for Islam’s second emergence who are fully free from negative thinking, who are positive thinkers of a high degree. This is an extremely positive task and only people who engage in positive thinking of a high order can perform it. These are the people who by discovering the modern age to be an age supportive to Islam will realize this possibility through re-planning.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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