Accepting One΄s Mistake for Positive Re-Planning

In the modern age, the issue of the Muslim community was that of its revival. Towards this end, the history of the Muslim struggle probably began in 1799 when Sultan Tipu of Mysore was killed fighting the British army. This struggle has continued till the 21st century on a large scale. But despite great sacrifices of life and property, the result has proved to be counterproductive. That is to say, that there was no gain, but the loss increased further. This futile experience demands that now the Muslims must adopt the way of ‘Tauba-e-Jamee’ (The Quran, 24:31) or collective repentance.

That is, taking a U-turn all together. They must make a reassessment of their efforts and then engage in re-planning.

The present state of Muslims is that they are repeating their past failed experiences again and again under different names. For instance, the theory of Islamophobia propagated by the Muslims living in the West, street activism of Al-Ikhwanul Muslimun in Egypt, the suicide bombing by Palestinians, the proxy-war of Pakistan, stone pelting of Kashmiris, protestant journalism of Indian Muslims, the discovery of enemies by Iran, Talibanization of Afghanistan, etc. All these are failed experiences. Repeating such experiences is nothing but a senseless repetition of an unproductive strategy.

The new future of the Muslim community can be built through positive planning and the process of new planning begins only with the admission that the previous courses of action were wrong.

Without accepting one’s mistakes, talking of a new future is like waiting for a green orchard to spring up without having planted any trees.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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