For harmony to prevail in a multi-religious society, individuals living in it must be broadminded, respectful, compassionate, and well-wishers of others. Only with these virtues can members of society relate positively with others, including those whose belief system is different from theirs. This indicates the importance of mutual respect.

The principle of mutual respect is natural and applies to all areas of social life. This natural principle needs to be upheld and acted upon by the adherents of different religions so that societal structures may be strengthened by stable and enduring human relationships.

After being appointed as a prophet, the Prophet lived in Makkah for thirteen years and later migrated to Madinah, where he lived for ten years until his death. For about half his period in Madinah, he lived among people of different religions. The Prophet devised a Constitution for these people, known in history as Mīthāq al-Madina or aīfat al-Madīnah, also referred to as the Madinah Charter. This Charter expressly mentioned that issues concerning the different groups in Madinah would be decided based on their religious traditions—those of Muslims according to their Islamic traditions and those of the others according to their respective traditions.

This sunnah or practice of the Prophet for a plural society carries the same moral authority as other practices of his. This principle can be given in the following words: “Follow one and respect all humans,” which means that while believing in one particular religion, a person can also respect others.

It is human nature to want to share anything good that one has discovered with others. When he realises what he regards as true and good, a person’s innate humanity inspires him to share it with others. In inter-religious dialogue, people who believe in different religions share what they believe and practice and why they believe and practice. This can help them deepen their faith and enable them to develop a better appreciation for the beliefs and ways of life of others.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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