Thousands of religious groups exist in the world. Given the differences between them, let us consider how to bring harmony between them.
One commonly advocated solution is to spread the conviction that all religions are essentially one: that they are simply diverse paths leading to the same destination. However, experience has shown that repeated attempts to bring harmony have not succeeded.
Islam’s approach in this matter is to accept ideological differences as a reality. Having accepted these differences, it advocates a policy of tolerance and respect for one another in everyday dealings. This echoes the principle expressed in the saying, “Let us agree to disagree.”
In this regard, a particular Quranic verse is of particular relevance. It says: “There shall be no compulsion in religion.” (2:256) In another place, the Quran declares: “You have your religion, and I have mine.” (109:6). This principle of freedom of religion was also reflected in the Covenant of Madinah, formulated after the Prophet had shifted to Madinah, which affirmed that the religion of the Muslims was for the Muslims and the religion of the Jews was for the Jews.
The Quran commands Muslims: “Do not revile those [beings] whom they invoke instead of God, lest they, in their hostility, revile God out of ignorance. Thus, we have made all people’s actions seem fair. To their Lord, they shall all return, and He will declare to them all that they have done.” (6:108) This verse provides valuable guidance for maintaining an atmosphere of harmony between people of different faiths.
A principle derived from this verse can be harmony among people who follow different belief systems. This is a principle whose utility is a matter of historical record. It is evident that in the past and present, wherever harmony has existed between people who subscribe to different belief systems, it has been based on unity despite differences rather than on unity without any differences. It has been based on agreeing to disagree on some matters while at the same time agreeing to agree on some other issues.