Today, we live in globalized societies. These societies are multi-religious, multicultural, and multi-ethnic. How can we live harmoniously and peacefully in such societies? There may be differences in religion and culture among people, but no difference should be made between people in respect and honour. A principle by which we can promote peace in globalized societies is through mutual respect. This formula of mutual respect is given in the Quran in these words: “You have your religion, and I have mine” (109:6). In this verse, the Quran is giving master advice for establishing a peaceful society, i.e., “To follow one and respect all humans beings.’’
There are more than a dozen major religions in the world. All religions advocate mutual respect as the basis for interfaith relations. In religion, differences can best be meaningfully and constructively managed through peaceful and positive inter-religious dialogue between adherents of different faiths based on mutual respect. A principal aim of such dialogue should be to seek peaceful solutions to controversial matters. In dialogue, all parties should present their viewpoint supported by arguments while remaining ready to give and take rather than insisting on all their demands being unconditionally met. In this way, they will be able to find peaceful solutions to controversial issues.
Inter-religious dialogue means discovering and appreciating wise and good things in other religions and learning from the insights and experiences of their adherents. If mutual learning becomes the aim of dialogue, then participants of inter-religious dialogue can grow as spiritual beings and become better human beings—which is surely a goal shared by various religions. Inter-religious dialogue, in this way, can be used as a platform for uniting peace-loving, spiritual people across the globe from different religious backgrounds to work for the common good, celebrate our common humanity, and foster mutual understanding in a globalized world.