Religion, Spirituality
and World Peace

On 14th October morning, I had a detailed discussion with Mr. Andrey Beykov. He had arranged for this meeting at Park Hotel. We exchanged views on various subjects, such as religion, spirituality, and world peace.

Mr. Beykov is a knowledgeable person. He talks with great depth and listens with great attention to other people. He noted what I was saying on his pocket computer during our conversation. He mentioned one particular issue about a church in Jerusalem where light comes from the sky on a particular day every year and at a special time. Entering through the roof of the Church lights up the whole atmosphere. Mr. Beykov said that he goes to Jerusalem every year to see this supposedly holy light and that he had made a video film of it. He claimed that the light came from Jesus himself. Following my return to Delhi, he phoned me from Moscow and said that the next appearance of the light would happen on Easter Day in April 2003.

Magical beliefs of this sort are to be found in all religions. People do not analyse them, so they continue to believe them. Take, for example, this light that was believed to come from Jesus. Reflect on the fact that after Jesus, the Church changed its actual teachings. That being the case, it would seem quite impossible for Jesus to authenticate these changed teachings by sending this supposedly holy light every year into this Church. Hence, one can say that it is not some light from Jesus, whatever else it might be.

Someone remarked that God is not a concern for people in Switzerland, generally speaking. They say that they have got everything without God, so they ask, what need do they have for God? What a strange delusion Satan has pushed into people’s minds! Everything that the people of Switzerland have got, from beautiful lakes to motor cars, is ultimately a gift from God. Through things that God has created, these people have been able to build a comfortable life. How strange it is that people avail these numerous blessings but do not acknowledge their source, the Giver of all blessings!

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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