After returning from the trip, numerous people wrote to me to share my impressions of my trip. I shared my book entitled, The Ideology of Peace, with them. In the book, I presented a complete ideology of peace for life. I explained that nuclear arms race was the very antithesis of the establishment of peace. The objective of peace can be achieved only through peaceful means. Achieving peace is just not possible by violent means. The book is not only a guide for nuclear disarmament based on unilateralism, but it also offers a peaceful solution to Muslim militancy by helping people understand the concept of peace in Islam. Muslim militancy is not a case of bomb vs bomb, but an ideology vs ideology. The ideology of peace alone can counter the ideology of violence. We have to change the thinking of those involved in militancy by presenting the Islamic ideology of peace based on Islam’s sources. Once they realise that Islam does not sanction violence, they will leave violent activism to their own choice.

The ideology of peace, so to say, is the opening of life’s doors to every possible opportunity for positive action. It may be compared to the removal of a dam from a river. Like a flowing river, life surges onwards, constantly propelled by human nature and comes to a halt only when the artificial barriers of war and violence are placed before it. Peace, unlike war, creates conditions that enable us to work towards constructive ends unhindered. Peace gives the greatest possible stimulus to the flow of beneficient human activity.

The book, The Ideology of Peace, is a gift to the new generation from a peace-loving person. It presents peace in the form of a complete ideology—an ideology which awakens human consciousness; provides the answer to all life’s problems in terms of peace; which describes the crucial importance of peace, right from the individual to the international level. It shows that peace is not an option: it is our destiny.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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