Our Journey Comes to a Close

On 15th October, we were taken to the office of the Nuclear Disarmament Forum in Zug. There, Mr. Andrey Beykov showed us a video of the light in the Church in Jerusalem that he had mentioned to me and that I had referred to earlier.

After returning from the trip, numerous people wrote to share their impressions. One such person was Ms Andaleeb Hayat, who had received some of our books. Regarding my book, Ideology of Peace, she wrote, ‘I am sure that this Islamic perspective and prophetic wisdom will help people avoid conflicts and live in harmony. Furthermore, she mentioned that our literature had helped her understand Islam better, which appeared to be ‘practically more logical, nature-friendly and convincing’.

On 16th October, our stay in Switzerland was to get over, and we had our return flight to Delhi. So, we headed for Zurich by car and boarded Swiss Air flight number 172, scheduled to depart at noon.

Our return flight was not smooth. It was pretty bumpy. The plane began to shake and go up and down on the way. It happens because of the winds. Be it a journey by ship or by plane, the smoothness or otherwise of a journey depends on the winds, and man has no control over the winds; he cannot even fully predict them. At such times, only those who turn to God can find solace.

The plane landed at New Delhi airport on 17th October, after around 7½ hours. Moreover, with that, this momentous journey came to a close.

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
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