There are two aspects to the struggle of the Indian independence movement under Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation. These two aspects have been exemplified in the independence movement by…
Because of a wrong interpretation by some Muslims, jihad has come to be understood as war to ‘reform’ others, or what is called in Urdu as muslihana jang (reformist war). These people say that…
An accepted principle for evaluating a system or ideology is to differentiate between its declared principles, on one hand, and the actual practice of the people who claim to stand for or represent…
ذريعه: الرساله، دسمبر 2015
اسلام کی آئڈیالوجی توحید ہے۔اسلام کی تمام تعلیمات در اصل توحید کے بنیادی تصور پر مبنی ہیں۔ اسلام کی دوسری تعلیم امن ہے۔ امن کی اہمیت عملی ضرورت کے اعتبار سے ہے۔ اسلام کا…
आपको लफ़्ज़-ए-जिहाद की तारीफ़ में कुछ लीफ़लेट्स रवाना किए जा रहे हैं। ग़ौर और सब्र के साथ पढ़कर उनका जवाब दें। उन्हें पढ़कर यही समझ में आता है कि क़ुरआन को ख़ुदाई किताब कहने वाला इंसानियत का…
Jihad means struggle. Any sincere effort for the cause of religion will be called Jihad. Man’s self leads him to evil. So waging war with the self is Jihad. Sometimes friends or acquaintances…
Islam is a religion of peace in the fullest sense of the word. The Qur'an calls its way 'the paths of peace' (5:16). It describes reconciliation as the best policy (4:128), and states that God abhors…