To Thank God, Forget Negative Experiences

If a person does not have the spirit to forget, he can never offer true gratitude to God Almighty. If his heart is filled with negative thoughts, how will he be thankful? His shukr will only be lip service.

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If you live in negative thinking, your gratitude is only lip service. Thankfulness is a thrilling experience. Shukr is a thrilling feeling of gratitude. It is not mere lip service. In this world, there is always provocation, difficulty or distress. The world is a place where you cannot save yourself from unwanted situations.  This is because God has given freedom to every human being. When God has not put curbs on freedom, a person is free to misuse his freedom. By misusing freedom, people killed Prophet Yahya. People misused their religion to kill the Prophet's companions Uthman and Ali. A world where people are free to misuse their freedom, there will always be unwanted situations. To offer true gratitude, which emerges as a thrilling experience, patience is necessary. What is patience? To forget everything that disturbs you or affects your normalcy. Bernard Shaw has said: The most uneducated person is one who has nothing to forget. If a person does not have the spirit to forget, he can never offer true gratitude to God Almighty. If his heart is filled with negative thoughts, how will he be thankful? His shukr will only be lip service.

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