No One Has the Power to Take Away Your Destiny

A person can take away your job, but no one can take away your destiny. What is the secret in this? It is nothing mysterious. When you work and have been fired from your job, do you know what happens? Till now you were a human. Now you become a double human.  

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Yesterday a person called me from Bengal. He said: I work in a multinational company. I always have fear that I may lose my job. Big companies have the culture of hire and fire. Hire people when you want and fire them when you want. There is no job security. The company can keep you or fire you at will. I asked the person if he had pen and paper.

I told him to write down few lines. I told him a law of nature. One is to be concerned about the boss and the other is to know God's creation plan. The person who called me only knew about the culture of hire and fire. But the creation plan of God or the law of God is greater than this.

I told him to write down. I have developed this formula based on the Quran and Hadith: One can take away your job, but no one has the power to take away your destiny. (Quran 54.49; Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2516) A person can take away your job, but no one can take away your destiny. What is the secret in this? It is nothing mysterious. When you work and have been fired from your job, do you know what happens? Till now you were a human. Now you become a double human.  

This is not a simple matter. When you are fired from work, you become a double human. What is the meaning of double human? You get a new awakening, new courage and new determination to work. Earlier you worked as a routine. Now you will work at the level of sacrifice and achieve greater success. I know many people who were removed from their job but later achieved high positions. For example, Dr Har Gobind Khorana received the Nobel Prize. He wanted a job in an Indian university, but was turned down. He didn’t get a job as lecturer at the university. He then went to America and a new spirit awakened in him. He realized that a university couldn’t take away his destiny. He began to work night and day, and later became a Nobel prize winner. When you lose something, you become a double human being. When your job, business or home is lost, you begin to work all the more. You pray to God and also begin to work more.

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