Morning Time is Very Precious

The majority is of those who are depriving themselves of a great natural boon. They are depriving themselves of morning fresh air, morning sunlight and morning oxygen. This is because they are unable to manage their time. They don’t sleep early in the evening so that they can wake up early.

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Video Transcript

If a person says, I have no time, then you must know that the fact is that he cannot manage his time. For example, generally, people wake up late in the morning. People are often told that morning time is very good and they must go for a walk. You must take fresh morning air and the morning sunlight is very precious. You must take a walk in the fresh morning air and breathe in oxygen at this time. The sunlight at morning time has many benefits.  When people hear this, they say they can't wake up so early in the morning. I consider this a lie. Why is this a lie? You should sleep early, try to manage your work so that you can sleep early in the morning. If you sleep early, you will wake up early. I have done this throughout my life. After offering my night prayers, I go to sleep. During an emergency, I may not be able to sleep after night prayers.  But my general routine is to sleep after offering my night prayers. I automatically wake up before dawn. The majority is of those who are depriving themselves of a great natural boon. They are depriving themselves of morning fresh air, morning sunlight and morning oxygen. This is because they are unable to manage their time. They don’t sleep early in the evening so that they can wake up early.

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