There is only one criterion for entry to Paradise -- discovery of God. A person should realize God. This is called having faith. Then, he must follow Islamic teachings in his life in whichever capacity possible for him. If a person has indulged in sin, he must repent. Repentance leads to forgiveness for sins.
A person will not get Paradise by simply being born into a Muslim family. Being born as a Muslim does not mean that Paradise is destined for a person. This notion is indeed very wrong. There is only one criterion for entry to Paradise -- discovery of God. A person should realize God. This is called having faith. Then, he must follow Islamic teachings in his life in whichever capacity possible for him. If a person has indulged in sin, he must repent. Repentance leads to forgiveness for sins.
If a person repents, God will accept his repentance. Repentance is not about doing lip service to certain words. The essence of tawba is repentance, that is, a deep feeling of remorse and regret. A person must think that he had gone mad and had committed a blunder. According to a hadith, tawbah is a feeling of remorse and self-reproach. (Tafsir al-Razi, v. 16, p. 133). The essence of tawbah is a deep feeling of sorrow and repentance. Tawbah does not mean to simply repeat the word 'tawbah' several times. Tawbah is to feel ashamed of what you have done. If a person does sincere tawbah, his sins will be washed away. He must not repeat the sin. Salvation has not got to do with an accident of birth. Salvation is about attaining marefat (realization of God), a person should follow religion in his life, and when he makes mistakes, he should repent. This is a process which continues throughout the life of a person.