If You Want to Find God, Live Simply

If you are proud, you cannot discover God. If a person wants to find God, he has to decide to live a simple life. No one can feel helpless without leading a simple life. If you don’t feel helpless, you cannot find God either.

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I will say that to discover God, simplicity is very essential. It is impossible for luxury and God-realization to come together. It is impossible. Why? We find God at the level of helplessness. And it is simplicity that gives rise to helplessness. Where there is luxury, there is no helplessness. Hazarat Umar Faruq was a great caliph who ruled over a vast empire. He once travelled to Palestine on camelback. People advised him to leave the camel and ride a horse. A horse was brought before him. When he rode the horse, he found it very good. He then came down from the horse, saying that riding a fine horse was giving rise to pride in him. Where pride exists, God cannot be found there. If you are proud, you cannot discover God. If a person wants to find God, he has to decide to live a simple life. No one can feel helpless without leading a simple life. If you don’t feel helpless, you cannot find God either.

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