I believe sincerity is very important. There are very few people who are totally sincere. In my experience, most people are insincere, either in the partial sense or totally so. Being sincere in the complete sense makes you "Mr. Nature". If a person is on his true nature, he will be very close to God.
I believe sincerity is very important. There are very few people who are totally sincere. In my experience, most people are insincere, either in the partial sense or totally so. Being sincere in the complete sense makes you "Mr. Nature". If a person is on his true nature, he will be very close to God. I believe sincerity is the greatest condition. I take sincerity in a comprehensive sense. The religious word for sincerity is ikhlas. For ikhlas, there is no other word in English, except sincerity. The other name for sincerity is ikhlas. It is an established fact that without sincerity, no one will receive divine inspiration. Complete sincerity is essential. Only then a person will be a prepared mind and receive God's inspiration.