How to Make God Your Only Concern?

If we discover that we have lived a life where our Creator is not our concern, we need to rethink. This is called (توبه). One should study, engage in more discussions, and conduct thorough research.

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What should one do when one realizes that their concern is not God, but something else? He should introspect and think again. Because if our Creator is not our concern, then our life becomes completely worthless. God is our Creator, and He should be our concern. So, if we discover that we have lived a life where our Creator is not our concern, we need to rethink. This is called (توبه). One should study, engage in more discussions, and conduct thorough research. But just today, I was telling someone that people are usually monologuers, not dialoguers. That is, they cannot engage in two-way conversations with people and instead, listen only to themselves. So, those who are monologuers will never find the truth. He will keep speaking without listening to others. So, I believe that it is crucial to engage in dialogue, discuss, think critically, research with an objective  mind, and pray. Then, surely, you will be guided to the truth by God, through your own nature.

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