How to Attain a Divine Personality?

What does "Alhamdulillah Rabbul 'Alamin" ( الحمد لله رب العالمين ) mean? Wherever you look, whatever experience you have, in all of that, you should see the lordship of God. So, what will happen when you start your morning like this? Your personality, your mind, your character—everything will be molded by it. Now think about what an extraordinary personality this will produce, a divine personality.

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The prayer, or namaz offered just now, you know it began with Chapter Al-Fatihah, which says, (الحمد لله رب العالمين) 'All praise is due to God, the Lord of the Universe' (1:2) So, I thought, what does the Hamd or Praise of the Lord of the Universe mean? What is Hamd? The meaning of Hamd is to remember and acknowledge the greatness of God, His glory, His attributes, and His magnificence. Hamd is for whom? It is for the Lord of the Universe (رب العالمين ). It means that Hamd is required as per the universal divine Lordship. Upon hearing this phrase, my mind was triggered to ponder what Hamd means in terms of 'rububiyat' or Lordship. When I left the mosque after prayers, I started noticing that the same thing was evident in everything. For instance, as I was walking with some of my companions, I remembered that if there weren't the force of gravity on Earth, then we couldn't walk; we would fly here and there. These houses that are standing cannot stand on the ground; they would also fly away in the air. So, what does this mean? If there's no gravity, what will happen? There will be instability on this earth. Our walking, the houses standing on the ground, the trees growing and standing on the ground, including the movement of cars, for everything gravity in the earth is necessary. Everything on the ground is firmly rooted. Everything is stable, otherwise, there would be instability. The stability on the earth, the things standing firmly on the ground, is due to its gravity. So, now what does "Alhamdulillah Rabbul 'Alamin" ( الحمد لله رب العالمين ) mean? Wherever you look, whatever experience you have, in all of that, you should see the lordship of God. So, what will happen when you start your morning like this? Your personality, your mind, your character—everything will be molded by it. Now think about what an extraordinary personality this will produce, a divine personality.

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