God Oriented Life

Taqwa, or guarding oneself, finds explanation in a Hadith. Umar Farooq, the second Caliph once asked Ubayy ibn Kaab, a senior companion, as to what Taqwa was? He replied, “O, Leader of the believers, have you ever taken a path with thorny bushes?” He said, "Yes." Ubayy ibn Kaab asked as to what he did then? “I gathered my clothes and walked my way.” Ubayy ibn Kaab said. It is this cautious attitude which is called Taqwa (Al Qurtubi p. 162). The month of Ramazan is the month of Taqwa. In the light of this saying by the companion it would be wholly appropriate to say that the month of Ramazan is the month of guarding oneself against the thorns. In such a case, how strange it would be to conceive of the month of Ramazan as the month of entangling oneself in thorns.

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